Second Quarter of Year 2021

Bizarre, weird and strangely uncanny!  Its words like this that  describe the current atmosphere and times that we are in.  There is also a strong sense and feeling of déjà vu.  With the traffic almost coming to a halt, no pedestrians in the Suva and Nadi CBD’s, the closure of public places and feeling of desolation, the experiences one had at the times of the military coups of 1987, 2000 and 2006 quickly surface.

Being the survivors that we are, we quickly set about modifying our business operations, limiting expenditures, updating our health and safety procedures and implementing new standards of behaviour.  We are sufficiently experienced to recognise that we need to rapidly make the changes that will ensure the survival of the Company operations and maintain our ability to continue to service our cliental.

This is certainly a time that will test our leadership skills, communication skills, self discipline and most importantly, our desire to survive.                   

Author:  Terence Erasito

June 2021 Edition

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